Software developers would claim that the most secure apps are impenetrable. While that is true, some would contend that having the ability to hack into the systems they’ve built gives them more confidence as programmers.
Do you know why?
Because the use of ethical hacking is already treated with serious importance in cybersecurity, so if you have the skill to protect a system and prevent it from acquiring any form of damage, your career is off for a ride that only goes up the ladder.
The Nature of Ethical Hacking
Let’s breakdown the three types of hackers, and then we can identify which of them hacks “ethically.”
- Grey Hats: These are hackers capable of performing both black and white hat hacking procedures, and willingly does so when either of the opportunities arise.
- Black Hats: Those who perform malicious procedures to break into a system’s security without formal authorization are mad enough to be called black hat hackers. These hackers are what organizations need protection from, and one of the primary purposes as to why ethical hackers play a significant role in the industry.
- White Hats: There’s a form of hacking that does not entail malicious intent such as stealing or destroying system data, but does precisely the opposite. Hackers who perform procedures with defensive intentions are called white hat hackers, also known as ethical hackers.
Does “ethics” have anything to do with ethical hacking? Well, the straight answer is yes.
White hat hackers are given official permission to break into the client’s network system and do what they do best: to upgrade the system’s security.
Is Ethical Hacking Legal?
Ethical hackers play within the rules of Cyber Law and operate in a given perimeter. They’re not to go beyond the authorization given to them by clients who have full ownership of the system they’re going to hack. Abiding by these guidelines make white hat procedures legal.
For so long, many have thought of hacking purely as cybercrime and doing such means going against the law. However, professional programmers differentiate their methods from cybercriminals, especially when they have completely different motives in hacking.
When To Utilize Ethical Hacking
To explain more when to utilize ethical hacking services and its legality, it’s important to know what cybersecurity grounds do they fall.
Cybersecurity experts perform white hat hacking methods for these reasons:
- Collect network system information
- Analyze data that pose a threat and other vulnerabilities
- Investigate the system’s weak points
- Test the system’s defenses
- Develop ways of strengthening the system’s defenses
So, ethical hackers don’t “just” hack; they bypass the security system to improve its defenses from other hackers who actually plan to use the vulnerabilities against the system itself.
Roles of Ethical Hackers
Upon the clients’ approval to knock down the security system, specific roles follow in which ethical hackers should deliver.
- As per the White hat code, the ethical hacker is given a particularscope of authority around the network. With the given scope, a plan of actionmust be submitted to the client or organization.
- Provide an indicatory report on breaches found in the network uponapplying the course of action stated in the security plan.
- Maintain a clean record of the security upgrade operations. There mustbe no track of the hack performed to avoid attracting black hat hackers fromduplicating the process.
- Keep the informationconfidential within the organization. Ethical hackers are bound to agree on anon-disclosure agreement to fully protect the client’s system/network evenafter the service period.
Within these walls, the ethical hacker is free from breaking any rule. And of course, with the right skills, there’s no question about the efficiency of programmers or software developers in improving specific system security.
Qualified Skills of Ethical Hackers
In general, hackers have knowledge about the following skills:
- Programming- hackers know software programming, because obviously if they can build the system, they’re also expected to understand how to break down the system constructively.
- Systems Networking- hackers, are also knowledgable about network systems and how they’re connected for them to analyze data whenever they’re at in any way jeopardized.
- Scripting- attacks on networks and hosts require scripting skills for hackers to identify and defend the system.
- Database Understanding- there are different kinds of databases in which the hackers are supposed to have an understanding of since the database is usually the target of attacks from cyber hackers.
- Updated Knowledge of Operation Systems, Hacking Tools, Servers, and Search Engines
Ethical hacking (white hat) skills are just the same as the hacking of black hats and grey hats. Yet, ethical hackers specialize in countermeasures against attacks, which is why they are required to get equipped and master the art of keeping cybercriminals at bay.
Opportunities For Ethical Hackers in Fighting Cybercrimes
Level up your career in cybersecurity by adding ethical hacking in your skillset. Getting certified gives you the accreditation not only to develop software but also to secure their systems.
Malicious hackers grow in numbers like bugs and viruses. The industry needs more experts who can fight breaches, improve security networks, and provide effective solutions. With your improved proficiency in ethical hacking, you can expand your area of expertise. You will become invaluable to your clients, which is something inherently beneficial to you and your career goals.
Enroll in Evolve Security’s cybersecurity bootcamp if you want to launch your career as a white hat hacker. Check out their website to learn more about their penetration testing training services.