Incarcerated individuals need medical care as per legal mandate in the United States. But even beyond that reason, persons in custody should be provided with ample health care due to fundamental ethical reasons and to ensure they are properly cared in the event of being sick or injured inside the correctional facility.
Read more as we are going to cite some reasons why inmate health care is necessary in today’s article.
As A Legal Requisite
Providing health care for inmates is required by the law as stipulated by the US Supreme Court in the 1976 Estelle V. Gamble case.
According to the decision, any person in custody, convicted felon, or detainees have the De Facto right to receive proper health care. And that any form of health care deprivation is considered as an ‘unusual and cruel’ punishment and a violation of our Constitution’s 8th Amendment.
In other words, health care for inmates is a legal mandate that should be provided regardless of the sentence they are serving inside the prison. And any correctional authorities who violate this right will be persecuted in state or federal courts.
No Alternatives Available For Inmates
Another reason why inmate health care is necessary is because they have no other alternatives available. To be specific, any person has the option to choose which type of health care they want to avail based on their financial capacity. But this won’t be possible for prisoners as different health care options are not usually provided to them. And it makes it even harder for indigent prisoners as they have the capacity to pay for a premium.
So it’s the ethical responsibility of the society to look after the health care needs of prisoners because these individuals won’t be able to do it on their own.
Future Integration To The Outside World
And finally, inmate health care is provided to safeguard the health of every prisoner inside the correctional facility.
Without a doubt, a significant portion of these inmates is bound to return to the outside world after serving their sentences. And proper health care will preserve their physical function so they won’t be considered a burden once they reintegrate themselves into their respective communities.
For instance, treatment for diabetes and hypertension will prevent the possibility of stroke and other conditions that would burden the outside world with long-term health care.
So it’s in the best interest of everybody that recently released inmates should be provided with proper health care to ensure they will be free from disabling diseases.
Heritage Health Solutions offers integrated health care management for commercial, corrections and public sectors. Contact them today to discuss how they can help you.