The cloud is an exciting technological concept that is already shaping small and large companies in managing their IT infrastructure. And though it is a fairly new innovation, the advances in terms of connectivity, mobility, and computing hardware are already experienced by many enterprises after implementation.

In recent years, cloud computing technology has already made an impact in terms of providing on-demand information access, reduction of large physical storage, and improvement in the analysis of information to key industries such as education, retail, and healthcare. And such promising effect could also benefit the upstream sector even if the industry of oil and gas is not as receptive to the idea of cloud computing as other industries do.

So if you are interested in implementing cloud technology into your oil and gas company, then we suggest you go on reading as we are going to discuss some tips on how to start with cloud computing and boost your business operations in terms of production and productivity.

Less Cost With More Benefits

Before, the implementation of new technologies cost a lot of money. And even if that technology is designed to have limited function, the company is still willing to spend on it to improve the operational efficiency of the business.

But implementing cloud computing technology is different since you don’t have to spend much. Aside from that, you don’t have to worry on any maintenance cost as cloud technology is virtually maintenance-free.

For this reason, small businesses in the oil and gas industry can now take advantage of the low implementation cost while quickly ramping up with the usage of this expanding storage technology. Likewise, employees both old and new will not be having a hard adjusting to it as the usage of the cloud is completely adaptable to your present organizational structure.

Expansion Of Production

stable growth

Operations in the oil and gas industry are field intensive. And it goes without saying that any form of delays due to miscommunication can have a negative impact on production. So once cloud computing technology is implemented, the sharing of information to field managers can be done efficiently. In short, any requirements in the drilling operations such as completion and submission of forms will be done faster as managers and employees can easily access it any time they need it.

Likewise, documents like Request to Tie-In and Request to Drill forms can be accessed to any mobile device, which reduces the time needed to execute the forms for continued operation in the field.

As a result, the downtime is significantly reduced and the production is also improved.

Starting Small

office files

The implementation of cloud technology can start at the front end of your business first. This is recommended so all employees can smoothly adjust the change in your company’s operation before executing the usage of the cloud to other departments.

Organizing the front office and automate all the paper processes will allow workers to focus other important tasks. Eventually, the cloud will have an impact on the company since the need for physical storage is omitted and the need for filing papers is greatly reduced.

Final Thoughts

Cloud computing technology is tried and tested in many industries. And as your oil and gas business continues to implement the use of the cloud to all areas in your company, the aspect of communication will be enhanced and the dissemination of knowledge will be proficient to new hires, current employees, and workers who are about to retire.

Since oil prices are struggling to go beyond the $60/bbl price point, it is all the more important for businesses to cut down on cost while boosting your company’s production and productivity whenever possible.

So, are you interested in digitizing your old-school production processes in your oil and gas company? We recommend you to visit FutureOn’s website. This company provides a wide variety of cutting edge services ranging from Cloud Computing to Virtual Reality that can help secure your data and empower your workforce to their greatest potential.