Through the years, the involvement of artificial intelligence in our day to day lives is becoming more prevalent, so much so that it has managed to penetrate different disciplines from the world of sports, manufacturing, and even to the realm of news writing through this process called “Automated Journalism”.
But in a world filled with fake news, how can AI discern the real noteworthy information from the fabricated ones? And how can AI generated news impact the journalism industry in general? Get to know more the answer as you go through today’s article.
And just so you know, this content is not created by a robot…
Automated Journalism Defined
According to Wikipedia, Automated Journalism is defined as the kind of news articles that are being created by computer programs through AI software. The stories are automatically generated by AIs by interpreting, organizing, and presenting data in such a way that is readable to humans.
How Will AI Know That The News Is Not ‘Fake News’
The software that is being used in AI generated news is subjected to controversy as critics claim that machines don’t have the capability to replace human qualities like the capacity to write with creativity, perspective, emotion, critical thinking, and etc. Furthermore, the credibility of the news content that is being generated is also questioned since there are lots of fake news being published on the internet today.
But the truth of the matter is the algorithm in the AI software is capable of detecting pieces of disinformation and unfair content. In fact, the latest AI model can spot fake news at 92% accuracy according to studies conducted by Allen Institute and the University of Washington. This is a significant improvement to the previous model which only has a 73% accuracy rate.
So it’s safe to say that AI created news content is absolutely credible and not fake news.
The Future And Current Impact Of Automated Journalism To The News Industry
Nowadays, several major publications are quickly adapting to the trend of Automated Journalism. To be specific, Bloomberg is one of the principal adaptors is already using Cyborg, a program that specifically focused on churning out financial reports and turn them into news content. In the same manner, Washington Post and Forbes also have their version of robot journalism software in Heliograf and Bertie, with the former earning the award for the “Excellence in Use of Bots” for their 2016 election coverage.
And while AIs have already proven the efficiency of producing quality news content, they still don’t pose as a threat to journalists as they are only treated as a supplementary aid rather than a replacement.
So journalists need not worry about losing their jobs as AI generated News are just there to assist them in producing high-value news content. After all, a dash of human touch combined with modern technology will always result in the best news article possible for the consumption of the reading public.